Introduced pest Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris) stealing Honeydew from Sooty Beech Scale (Ultracoelostoma assimilae) in beech forest, Nelson Lakes National Park, New Zealand (NZ) stock photo.

Introduced pest Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris) stealing Honeydew from Sooty Beech Scale (Ultracoelostoma assimilae) in beech forest, Nelson Lakes National Park, New Zealand (NZ), stock photo.

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Nelson Lakes National Park (other locations)
New Zealand (NZ)
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Rob Suisted
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Introduced pest Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris) stealing Honeydew from Sooty Beech Scale (Ultracoelostoma assimilae) in beech forest, Nelson Lakes National Park, New Zealand (NZ)

Introduced pest Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris) stealing Honeydew from Sooty Beech Scale (Ultracoelostoma assimilae) in beech forest, Nelson Lakes National Park, New Zealand (NZ) Stock Photo

Nelson Lakes National Park, New Zealand (NZ) Rob Suisted

Introduced pest Common Wasp (Vespula vulgaris) stealing Honeydew from Sooty Beech Scale (Ultracoelostoma assimilae) in beech forest, Nelson Lakes National Park, New Zealand (NZ)