No events planned currently- please check back.

ARCHIVED Items below...Visit our Blog for current items.

  Runner up, NZ photographer of the year
Following the major book award for the Molesworth Station Book, images by Rob Suisted have also came runner up in this years NZ Geo Photographer of the Year awards
  Read more here

  2 new books released this week
2 new books added to a very successful book series we've been doing with New Holland Publishers
We're up to seven books in this series now and they've been well supported by book shops and educational institutions.   Some more info on our blog

  NZ Post Book Awards. Molesworth book a WINNER!
Rob Suisted & Harry Broad win Book Sellers Choice in the 2014 NZ Post Book Awards
Molesworth Station Book wins a big national award.  Read more

  Molesworth Station Book a FINALIST in NZPBA 2014
Rob Suisted & Harry Broad spent over 2 years working on a massive project to document New Zealand's largest farm station. We've been chosen as a finalist in the national Book Sellers award.
  Wish us well, and check out the book here

  Molesworth Book Launched
After 2.5 years of work, Harry Broad and myself have finished a major work on New Zealand's largest farm station. 500,000 acres of rugged farmland estled amongst mountain ranges, with a famous history, has made a formidable project, but we're there now. Looking forward to see how it goes.
  Learn a bit more about the production

  Guest speaker, Blenheim, 8th September 2012
Rob has been invited to address the Seddon Shield Photographic gathering as guest speaker, hosted this year by the Marlborough Camera Club.
  Check out the event website here.

  Rob invited to talk at NZ Geographic Mag Photo Symposium
This inaugural New Zealand Geographic event will give aspiring photographers and hardened pros alike the opportunity to attend workshops held by a pantheon of the finest editorial photographers in the country in a single day, alternated with introductions to the hottest new equipment. October 27, Auckland War Memorial Museum
Rob Suisted — Life in the Lens Previously the National Marine Mammal Officer for the Department of Conservation, Rob Suisted has reinvented himself as a wildlife photographer par excellence, attributing much of his success to his understanding of his subjects. Now featured a number of times in New Zealand Geographic, Suisted has the reputation for pulling off seemingly impossible shots. Take for instance his cover picture of a falcon landing on a ponga stump. It was shot into the sun, lit with three flash guns, the falcon approaching at 130 km/h, and the shutter released just 70 mm away from the bird, it’s primary feathers actually touching the front element of the fish-eye lens. Suisted will share his secrets on working with wildlife, approaching subjects, and bringing out the aspects of a critter that make it unique — be it its plumage, social behaviour or character.  Click to enroll

  2 new books by Rob Suisted, and a TV interview
Rob has just launched two new books - one on National Parks, and one on NZ birds. That makes 9 books to his name now!
  Click to check out the interview and more about the books

  Rob to judge NZ photographer of the Year awards
Rob's just been asked to judge the New Zealand Geographic Magazine photo competition
Deadline 14 September 2011  Get your entries in ASAP here

   Free casual photography walk, then cafe, with Rob Suisted
Wellington, 10th September 2011
  Read more, register now or pass it on

  Mana BioBlitz talk, Titahi Bay, Wellington talk by Rob Suisted
Rob will be talking about wildlife photography and his work on Mana Island (for NZ Geographic Magazine), and a new species of Weta he may have found! Come along for an interesting full day.
Rob will also have signed copies of his latest book Majestic New Zealand available at a special rate.  Click here to see the days programme, & learn about the BioBlitz

  New Quick Quote button launched for speed!
Quick Quote system for image quotes
You asked for a fast quote system to get quick costings for an image. We've finished it. Called Quick Quote, it sits beside all images - it's pink and easy to find.
Below is the button to look out for:  Check it out here
Just look for this button

  NZ Geographic Magazine Awards Night
Rob helped present awards in Auckland on 28 Oct. A top night with some deserving winners. Congratulations.

  Talk to the Nature Photographers Club, Christchurch
Rob Suisted has been invited to address the Nature Photographers Club in Christchurch
Topic: Shooting from the Heart - seeking an exceptional life via photography  Link to the NPC website

  Rob asked to help judge NZ Geographic Mag Photo Comp
Rob to help judge NZ Geo Mag Photo Comp 2010
Rob's just been asked to judge the 2010 New Zealand Geographic Magazine photo competition.

He will judge the wildlife section, and work alongside Andris Apse & Arno Gasteiger, to select the New Zealand Geographic Photographer of the Year, in September 2010. Entries open June 2010.

  Rob Suisted guest speaker at PSNZ National Convention April
PSNZ National Convention 2010

Rob will be a a guest speaker at the PSNZ National Convention 2010 in Nelson. For more information and dates,   please have a look here.

  Radio New Zealand National interview with Rob Suisted. Listen
Radio New Zealand National

Kathryn Ryan, National Radio Nine to Noon, interviewed Rob Suisted, about photography, adventures and polar travels. It was an enjoyable interview. How about grabbing a coffee and having a listen?  Click here for more information

  Majestic New Zealand Launched, 7th book title by Rob Suisted
Majestic New Zealand by Rob Suisted

We're very proud of this one.  Have a look here for a sneak peak.

  Blogging is our new NEWS outlet. Please come for a look
Nature's Pic Blog
Our blog has stuff like trip reports, where's wally, tech stories, things we're proud of and our latest happenings.
We'll be adding more to the BLOG and less to the News on this page. Have a read, leave a comment, and don't forget to sign up for the RSS blog feed.  Read the Blog

  Trialing image tooltips to display large images for easy browsing.
Roll over thumbnails and we'll show you a larger version. Don't forget to click the thumbnail if you want to see full details and more options though.
We've changed the system a lot due to your feedback, so if you've got any we're always keen to here at blog post if possible. Thanks  

  Searching, you can now filter only NZ images
Next to the search box you'll find a checkbox to return only New Zealand photos. Great say if you wanted to only see NZ penguins and not Antarctic penguins (there are rather a lot!).

  New book cover for Andrew Crowe, Penguin Books
Book cover image - Which Native
We've started BLOGGING. Have a look at our new Blog about this image

  Beautiful new diaries with Rob Suisted's images
Diaries with Rob Suisted's photos on cover
We're really impressed by the design and print quality of these new hard cover diaries by Zoom Accelerated Digital Print and Design Ltd. Working with quality organisations that produce quality products like this is a satisfying part of our business.
These diaries are uniquely Maori in production - maori language, proverbs and information. We think they rock!  
Diaries with Rob Suisted's photos on cover

  NZ Geographic Mag profile on Rob Suisted's work
Rob's NZ Geo Mag image 1
Issue 94 of NZ Geo magazine carries a 6 page portfolio of some of Rob's work and thoughts. James Frankham and the team put together a top publication, and to see Rob's work printed in such high quality is always a buzz. Thanks
  Click for closer look and read
Rob's NZ Geo Mag image 2
Rob's NZ Geo Mag image 3

  New postage stamp by NZ Post & Rob Suisted
Rob Suisted lighthouse stamp 2009
Part of the series of lighthouse stamps by New Zealand Post to mark the 150th anniversary of lighthouses in NZ. The stamp features a technological ‘landmark’ of its own – lighthouse beams that actually glow in the dark!
This is Rob's 9th stamp with New Zealand Post.  Click here to view

  Article on Rob Suisted, by photographic legend Peter Bush
Article by Peter Bush on Rob Suisted
Well known photographic icon Peter Bush wrote this article after interviewing Rob about some adventures he had recently been in such as a motorcycle trip in India, and pending Chilean Fiords and Antarctic trips, labelling Rob the 'Indiana Jones of NZ photography'!
Peter Bush and his life have been great inspiration to Rob, and he's chuffed to have these words from Peter.  Click here to read article

  6th New Book title by Rob Suisted
Due for release in Mid October, this title will be available in all main book shops. We'd love you to own a copy ;-)

  Adventure Magazine feature on Rob Suisted
Adventure Magazine article on Rob Suisted
A 6 page section and article in Adventure Magazine showcases Rob Suisted's photography and explains Rob's motivations and background.
  Click here to see more detail

  Intrepid Magazine cover by Rob Suisted
Intrepid Magazine cover by Rob Suisted
The cover features a photo by Rob taken in the Glaisnock Wilderness Area of Fiordland National Park
  Click for larger view

  Another Deer Farmer Magazine Cover by Rob Suisted
Oct/Nov 2008 issue, to accompany one done in 2007

  Three more Rob Suisted calendars in shops today
Flowers 2009 calendar by Rob Suisted
We've been doing calendars together with John Sands & The Ink Group now for 11 years. Here are three of the latest offerings....available in all good book stores for Xmas! We think they look great.
  Click on thumbs for closer views
NZ Walks Calendar 2009 by Rob Suisted
NZ National Parks calendar 2009 by Rob Suisted

  Auckland International Airport - Rob Suisted photo
Leaving for a trip to India, I passed this temporary banner covering a new shop development. This was a fern koru I shot for AIA using the Canon 1DsMk3 22MP camera. I can't get over the clarity of this reproduction, approx. 9 feet high!
Most of our images are designed to go large. This is a good example, but I was floored though by one of our images used in the Customs Arrival Hall that we specially stitched from 10x22MP images to go approx 30 x 10metres! That's large. Sorry, I couldn't get a photo of that one.  

  United Nations Guidebook cover by Rob Suisted
United Nations book cover by Rob Suisted
New Zealand publishes the definitive guide to United Nations matters. Thousands of copies are distributed to all countries' delegates and diplomats globally involved with UN matters, and one of Rob's photos has been selected for the cover.
We're honoured, especially since Rob has worked with a number of the Conventions covered, in a previous life.  Click here for a closer look

  Commissioned images used by Great Wellingtion Regional Council
Rob Suisted did a series of commissioned images for the Great Wellington Regional Council earlier this year. Here is one cover image on a publication that goes to all house hold in the Wellington Region
Please contact us if you have a commission job in mind.  

  NZ Post uses Rob Suisted's images in 2008 Stamp Packs
2008 NZ Post Stamp Pack with Rob Suisted images
Both the 2008 annual Stamp Pack and First Day Covers Pack feature our photos
2008 NZ Post Stamp Pack with Rob Suisted images

  Photo selected for the UNESCO world Heritage Diary 2009
UNESCO desk diary 2009
A photo by Rob Suisted has been selected for the 2009 Desk Diary produced by UNESCO to celebrate the World Heritage Convention.
  Click for larger view

  Death to invasive predators. We're sponsoring their misfortune!!!
Stoat trapping photo - Wairaurahiri Jet
Nature's Pic Images is sponsoring a stoat trap on the Wairaurahiri River in Fiordland National Park. We took a ride with Johan & Joyce in their jetboat to the wild south coast of Fiordland and saw first hand how they've combined a passionate conservation project with a world class exhilarating adventure into wilderness New Zealand.
We think their conservation work ethic is fantastic, and so do others - they just won a highly commended in the Southland Environment Awards. Please go visit, and check out their work and thrilling trip.
  Please check out W-Jet's stoat trapping project online here.
Photo of Wairaurahiri River and Jet
Joyce checking stoat traps, Wairaurahiri River Jet
Photo of Wairaurahiri River descent in W-Jet, Johan piloting!

  52 BIG Interior design images for Inland Revenue Bldg, Christchurch
Rob Suisted photo in ChCh IRD building lift fitout
52 of our images have been used LARGE in the new Inland Revenue Building in Christchurch fit out. Ours were selected as they were natural NZ, and reproduce large with great quality such as in lift foyers, inside lifts and around meeting and chat spaces.
The design was commissioned by Bruce and Wilkie Architects. Photos kindly provided by Murray Hedwig - Hedwig Photography and Imaging, Christchurch.
Click on thumbnails for a closer look.
Rob Suisted photo in ChCh IRD building chat screen fitout
Rob Suisted photo in ChCh IRD building lift foyer  fitout
Rob Suisted photo in ChCh IRD building lift foyer  fitout

  Te Puni Kokiri use more of Rob's images in their SOI report to Parliament
We enjoy producing the type of imagery that suits clients like Te Puni Kokiri - native, respectful and beautiful. This tui photo and the black design elements really make a striking publication.
We work with many Government departments, and offer special rates. Please contact us if we can be of help.  Click for a closer look

  Commissioned images used by Great Wellingtion Regional Council
Rob Suisted did a series of commissioned images for the Great Wellington Regional Council earlier this year. Here is one cover image on a publication that goes to all house hold in the Wellington Region
Please contact us if you have a commission job in mind.  

  World Environment Day school talk
Rob Suisted talking about World Environment Day to school children
Rob gave a talk at a Lower Hutt school about the environment. Dressed in Antarctic attrire he used his experience there as a way to explain the need to look after our earth.
Kids did exercises on renewable resources, & what they can do to help the planet. It was very enjoyable for all.  

  Cover of New Zealand Gardener Magazine
Rob Suisted photo on cover on New Zealand Gardener Magazine
NZ Gardener Magazine selected one of Rob Suisted's shots for it's cover, and others for internal work.
  Click here to see the image record

  4 new NZ postage STAMPS by Rob Suisted issued
Rob Suisted photos on NZ Post Matariki Stamps
New Zealand Post has just released a range of stamps to celebrate Matariki, the Maori New Year. 4 of the 6 images selected were by Rob Suisted
8 New Zealand postage stamps have been created from Rob's photos to date
  Have a larger view here

  Auckland International Airport murals installed
Rob Suisted photos in Auckland International Airport upgrade
Rob Suisted and Nature's Pic Images was a major supplier to this giant project. It was a satisfying to be involved, to see beautiful images reproduced in a quality way.
We were a major supplier of images because we could supply the quality, range, and importantly photos of a size that could be reproduced this big!
  Have a closer look here
Rob Suisted photos in Auckland International Airport upgrade
Rob Suisted photos in Auckland International Airport upgrade

  Xmas cards for the Prime Minister
Rob Suisted photo used by the NZ Prime Minister for cards
New Zealand Prime Minister Hon. Helen Clark has selected several of our images for Xmas and other cards.
  Click here to see image record

  Lightning Storm over Wellington
Amazing Lightning strom of Wellington City, New Zealand ©Rob Suisted
We had a stunner of a lightning display last night and wanted to share....
  Click for a closer look

  Asteron Life uses Rob Suisted imagery to brand it's KiwiSaver products
September 2007

  Rob Suisted's 5th book published
We needed a smaller, lightweight & cheaper book on Wellington for travellers, than my previous coffee table style 'Wellington and Beyond' title. Here it is.
  Click for larger view

  Talk at the Wellington Photographic Society
A talk on Natural History, some of Rob's favourite shots, and the stories behind them.
Public welcome  

  Another 300+ NEW ANTARCTIC Images added
Rob Suisted has now completed 5 trips to the Ross Sea and Australian Territories of Antarctica. Making 900+ new images of penguins, icebergs, seals, tourism. and Shackleton's, Scott's, Mawson's and Borchgrevink's historic huts.
  CLICK HERE NOW to see the Antarctica collection

  Colour searching on trial NOW
We're currently trialing a new tool for searching on colour preferences. About 75% of our images have so far been coded, but you can start using it when you do Keyword searches.
  See it here

  Rob Suisted earns book sales award
Bronze award for book sales for Rob Suisted
Booksellers New Zealand has awarded Rob Suisted a Bronze Sales Award for the book title 'New Zealand Landmarks'.
  Click here to see certificate

  New photography article posted
An article originally written for NZ Outdoor Magazine about filming birds has been added
  Click here to view

  Fodor's travel guide using Rob Suisted's imagery to sell their guide to NZ
Fodor's travel guide using Rob Suisted's imagery to sell their guide
Another major international travel guide publisher has just selected Rob Suisted's imagery to market their publication worldwide.
  Click here for a closer look at the cover

  Rare dolphin filmed in Southern Ocean by Rob
Rare dolphin filmed in Southern Ocean by Rob Suisted
On an expedition ship to Antarctica Rob Suisted filmed a rare all black variant of a southern right whale dolphin (lissodelphis peronii).
Little is known of the Southern right whale dolphin as they live in the cold remote southern ocean and are an oceanic species - very few people see them. As far as we know this is the only time an all black variant has been filmed alive!  Click here to read the newspaper article on it

  Tourism NZ licences Rob's imagery
Tourism New Zealand has recently licenced dozens of Rob Suisted images for the promotion of New Zealand to the world.
  Click here and search Keyword 'Suisted'

  New wine brand released with Rob Suisted imagery
The Braided River wine label and brand has been developed with our imagery, and enhanced with a beautifully embossed quality label.
  Click here to see a larger version

  Newspaper article on Rob Suisted
Hutt News article on Rob Suisted's photography
  Click here to read article

  New Spider book with Rob Suisted cover image; 2005
We love this cover design. Jet black gloss with great spider macro. University of Otago press
  Click for closer view

  New photo article posted
Article # 9 - 'Searching for Support'- Getting a sharper image - Tripods, supports and other methods.
Articles originally written for Outdoor Magazine in a regular column, and now published here for your benefit.  Click here to read it

  Photographic Talk to Hutt Camera Club
MAIN TALK TITLE - "The philosophical and emotional justifications for population observations and conservation in South America in a global environment dominated by disruptive insouciant phenomena and paradoxical religious hegemony".
He's also going to show a few recent images from trips this year to Tasmania & California, plus a small selection of favourite images and the stories behind them.  

  New Telecom phone cards by Rob Suisted
A set of four new national phone cards have been created by Telecom with images by Rob Suisted.
  Click here to check them out.

  Keyword searching
We've just finished building a new keywording system that should make it easier for you to find the images you need.
The system is based on a 'canned' list of our keywords to remove the guess work out. E.g. would you use - 'hiking trail' or 'tramping track'? It makes you think.....  Trial it here

  Rob's 4th Book launched
A comprehensive pictorial showcasing the Islands of the Hauraki Gulf.
Available through all main book shops.  Check the cover

   New Photo Article Posted
Article # 8 - A polarised view of the world - learning to use camera lens filters
Articles originally written for NZ Outdoor Magazine in a regular column.  Check out the new article here.

  Photographic talk by Rob Suisted
Public talk to Wellington Photographic Society.
South American travel and favourite images with the stories behind them.  

  Photo Sculpture by Rob Suisted unveiled
John & Jo Gow have just unveiled the latest sculpture at their wonderful Connell's Bay Sculpture Park on Waiheke Island.
The 6m image by Rob Suisted has been installed into the environment on their sculpture trail walk that includes works by New Zealand's top sculptors.  Click here to visit Connell's Bay website to view

  New Photo Article Posted
Article # 7 - how to get the most out of your Point and Shoot camera.
Articles originally written for NZ Outdoor Magazine in a regular column.  Check out the new article here.

  Department of Conservation Annual Report cover by Rob Suisted
We do a lot of work for Conservation, and this cover is typical of that work. We particularly like the design of this one.
  Click for larger view

  Major Website Rebuild!
We've just made it better.
Our new site now contains thousands of images. It's fully searchable and easy to browse. You can also save selections directly to a lightbox and ask for a quote......and thats just some of the new features. Please enjoy. It's been a massive job and we're still looking for wrinkles to iron out - if you find any we'd love to hear!  

  3rd Book Launch - New Pictorial Book by Rob Suisted
Launch of latest major pictorial book - 'New Zealand Landmarks'.
This is Rob's 3rd book and it focuses on the well known human and natural history landmarks throughout New Zealand. From Mitre Peak, famous icons (such as giant carrots and trout), architecture, and the unusual….like flying tearoooms in Mangaweka. In all good books shops now.  

  New Postage Stamps newspaper article
New Zealand Scenic Definitive Stamps launched by New Zealand Post featuring images by Rob Suisted

  New Postage Stamps
New Zealand Scenic Definitive Stamps launched by New Zealand Post featuring images by Rob Suisted
New scenic definitive postage stamp for New Zealand Post by Rob Suisted, Arrowtown, New Zealand
New scenic definitive postage stamp for New Zealand Post by Rob Suisted, Tongariro National Park, New Zealand
Tongariro National Park
New scenic definitive postage stamp for New Zealand Post by Rob Suisted, Castlepoint, Wairarapa, New Zealand

  Public Talk by Rob Suisted
Fishing for piranhas and swimming with caimans- exciting times in Brazil.
Images from a wildlife filming trip to South America.  

  2nd Book Launch - New Pictorial Book by Rob Suisted
Launch of latest major pictorial book - 'Scenic New Zealand'.

****'Scenic New Zealand' has now entered in the New Zealand Montana Book Awards - we're proud of that!
****Scenic NZ is fast becoming a best seller!
  Click here to check it out

  Guest speaker at Kapiti Camera Club.


  Judging annual photographic competition for NZ Alpine Club - Wellington
Presentation and comments/advice on entries.

  Public address by Rob Suisted
Presentaion to the Hutt Valley Tramping Club, Wellington.

  Public address by Rob Suisted
Address to the NZ Nature Photography Club, Christchurch
"Dear Rob,
Many thanks for your presentation to our Society earlier this year.
The members thoroughly enjoyed the presentation and information you readily gave.
You have some truly stunning images and the effort and planning required to get to some of our remote regions shows your dedication and professionalism.
Personally I thought your presentation was outstanding and was certainly the highlight of the year.
Kind regards Stephen Wright (NPSNZ)"

  Public Talk by Rob Suisted
Opening session at the New Zealand Antarctic Society branch meeting. Symposium on the New Zealand Subantarctic Islands.

  New Postage Stamp by Rob Suisted
Penguin stamps launched by New Zealand Post featuring image by Rob Suisted.
Stamp showing is Little blue penguin (white flippered variety) - smallest penguin in the world.  Click to enlarge

  Public Talk by Rob Suisted
Address to Napier Tramping Club and invited Guests: Our Magnificent Wilderness Scenery

  1,000,000 Print run image!
Ministry of Agriculture Quarantine selected one of Rob Suisted's images for the cover of their visitor arrival pamphlets. First print run of 1 million copies - wow! Seen by every new visitor to NZ.
  Click for larger view

  Public Talk by Rob Suisted
Address to Alpine Club in Wellington Subject: NZ Wilderness and Nature Photography

  Public Talk by Rob Suisted
Address to the Karori Camera Club - a branch of the Photographic Society of New Zealand Subject: Nature Photography

  Public Talk by Rob Suisted
Address to the Hutt Camera Club - a branch of the Photographic Society of New Zealand Subject: Nature Photography

  Public Talk by Rob Suisted
Wild Places and Wild Things of New Zealand
A photographic exploration of New Zealand (and our sub antarctic islands) with many of Rob Suisted's favourite images - as some of the tales behind them. Presented to the Tararua Tramping Club.  

  Photographic lecture by Rob Suisted
Kodak sponsored guest lecture by Rob Suisted at Massey University Wellington Campus.
Nature and Scenic Photography - technique, and running a successful stock photography business.  

  New billboard for Coca Cola
Unveiling of the huge new Coca Cola billboard in Wellington made up of Nature's Pic Images.

  Newspaper interview
Newspaper interview of Rob Suisted in the Opotiki News.

  Newspaper interview
Newspaper interview of Rob Suisted

  Public Talk by Rob Suisted
Photographic presentation and talk to Hutt Valley Tramping Club.

  Public Talk by Rob Suisted
Photographic presentation and talk to Photographic Society of New Zealand - Wellington Branch.

  Public Talk by Rob Suisted
Judging of New Zealand Alpine Club - Wellington Branch annual photographic competition and public photographic presentation.

  1st Book Launch - New Pictorial Book by Rob Suisted
Launch of book - 'Wellington & Beyond' by his worship the Mayor of Wellington - Mark Blumsky.
This book has become a regional best seller that we've reprinted several times now.

  You can check it out and order it online from us.







NATURE'S PIC IMAGES - New Zealand nature, scenic, & wildlife photography and stock image library, by professional photographer Rob Suisted
Email:   |   Website: or
Phone: (+64 4) 478-8989   |   Fax: (+64 4) 232-5023

Website & all Images © 2025 Rob L. Suisted--Nature's Pic Images. All Rights reserved. Our images are digitally tracked for unlawful usage.