Galium aff. Perpusillum |
Plane tree leaves |
Plane tree leaves |
Cocksfoot grass |
Leaf skeleton |
Leaf skeleton |
Leaf skeleton |
Leaf skeleton |
NZ Red Beech leaf, sunlit |
NZ Red Beech leaves, sunlit |
NZ Red Beech leaves |
NZ Hard Beech leaf, sunlit |
NZ Hard Beech leaf, sunlit |
NZ Hard Beech leaves |
NZ Hard Beech leaves |
NZ Hard Beech leaves |
Honey Bee working on honeycomb |
NZ native Creeping Fuchsia |
NZ native Creeping Fuchsia |
Kawaka tree leaves |
NZ native Geranium |
NZ native Geranium |
NZ native Geranium |
Kakabeak flowers |
Flax plant leaves |
Kowhai tree seed pods |
Flowering Tawhirikaro |
Royal Penguin close up |
Lichen plant with orange spore |
Honey bee on blue borage flowers |
Bee on Blue Borage flower |
Bee on Blue Borage Flower |
Honey bee on blue borage flowers |
Honey bee on blue borage flowers |
Honey bee on Pohutukawa flowers |
Honey bee on Pohutukawa flowers |
New growth emerges - Kowhai Tree |
Young growth on Kowhai Tree |
Native NZ Jasmine |
Native NZ Jasmine |
Native NZ Jasmine in bloom |
Poroporo flower in bloom |
Poroporo flower in bloom |
Pied Shag with ruffled feathers |
Giant flax weevil eating flax leaf |
Native NZ snail on flax |
NZ micro snail out at night |
Native New Zealand Hebe in bloom |
Native NZ hebe in bloom |
Native NZ Hebe in bloom |
Native NZ Hebe flower in bloom |
Endangered Cook Strait Giant Weta |
Closeup of NZ Raukawa Gecko |
Raukawa Gecko eyeballing camera |
Endangered McGregor's skink |
Eye to eye with the McGregor's Skink |
Herd of cattle grazing on pasture |
Spiral native NZ mollusc |
Paua shell jewellery & shell |
Native New Zealand Paua shell |