NZ Damselfly laying eggs |
Kowhai leaves up close |
Leaves of Kowhai Plant |
NZ native daisy |
NZ Totara bark |
Rough sawn log |
Pohutukawa tree foliage |
Endemic kidney fern |
native hebe flowers |
Adult glow worm fly |
Water Fern frond shoot unfurling |
Hen and Chickens Fern fronds |
Unfurling fern fronds |
Close up young fern fronds |
Close up young native fern foliage |
Tree fern fronds viewed from below |
Tree fern fronds viewed from below |
Curling tree fern fronds |
Greenstone Maori carving pendant |
Whitebait fritter |
Kowhai leaf |
Libertia leaves |
Native mushroom |
Fungi |
Fungi |
Fungi |
New fern shoot |
New fern growth shoot |
Northern grass skink |
Fish scales and skin, Kingfish |
Fish scales and skin, Kingfish |
Fish scales and skin, Kingfish |
NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) |
NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) |
NZ Ghost orchid (Corybas cryptanthus) |
Native fungi (Hypholoma brunneum) |
Native fungi (Hypholoma brunneum) |
Native fungi (Hypholoma brunneum) |
Misty rainforest, Wellington |
Bladder kelp underwater |
Forest Gecko toes, NZ native |
Rimu tree bark, native |
Totara Tree leaves |
Totara Tree leaves |
Poor Knights Lily flowers emerging |
Poor Knights Lily flowers emerging |
Poor Knights Lily flowers emerging |
New Zealand Silver fern |
New Zealand Silver fern |
Kawakawa fruit, native shrub |
Supplejack vine flowers, native |
Native NZ Hebe flower |
Native Pokaka flowering |
Fierce lancewood leaves |
NZ Marbleleaf flowers |
NZ native Bulbinella flower |
NZ native Bulbinella flower |
NZ native Bulbinella flower |
NZ native Bulbinella flower |
NZ native Patotara flowers |